Gary Johnson Held on $5000 Bail for Sleep Protests at Santa Cruz County CourthouseThu Jan 19 2012 (Updated 01/20/12) Occupy Santa Cruz Holds Noise Demonstrations Protesting Indefinite Detention for Sleep
Gary Johnson, the homeless activist doing the nightly protest against the Sleeping Ban, the Lodging Ban, and the curfew at the Santa Cruz County Courthouse from late December until earlier this month, has been incarcerated since January 6 in what amounts to indefinite detention for the crime of sleeping. Johnson has received the bail amount of $5000 after having been arrested four times for "lodging" 647(e) and "trespassing" 602(o) during his protests.
As Johnson waits until February 3 for a demurrer hearing before Judge John Gallagher, community members have expressed concerns over the legal attack on him. Occupy Santa Cruz members held their second noise demonstration on January 18 at the Santa Cruz County Jail in what the newly formed Jail Solidarity working group hopes will be a regular weekly event until Johnson is freed.OSC Protests Incarceration of Gary Johnson with Noise Demonstrations at County Jail | Indefinite Detention Santa Cruz Style: SleepCriminal Gary Johnson Held on $5000 Bail |
Gary Johnson Protests Sleeping Ban for Second Week at Santa Cruz County Courthouse | Ground Zero