Occupy Oakland in Solidarity with California Prison Hunger Strike 10/17/2011 October 20, 2011 in Front Page, GA Statements, General Assembly, News

Date of Alert: 
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

October 20, 2011 in Front Page, GA Statements, General Assembly, News


A Letter to the prisoners on hunger strike in the Security Housing Unit (SHU) of Pelican Bay State Prison and those in other units joining them.

We, as members of Occupy Oakland, send our support for your strike against the cruel and inhumane conditions of imprisonment.

We honor you as defenders of human and civil rights, and stand in solidarity with your demands in the struggle over prison conditions. Our community at Oscar Grant Plaza has the opportunity to incorporate great lessons from your strike; the challenge will be to match your courage and to effectively advocate for all of your demands to be immediately met.

Your daily struggle, as victims of the prison-industrial complex, is a critical component of our ongoing occupation of public space.  The systematic nature of the prison system exploits difference and promotes divisions in an effort to divert attention from the actual problem –the criminal justice system itself.

Our solidarity extends beyond your strike against inhumane conditions within prison walls.  We also stand in resistance to all forms of oppression that unjustly channel many of our fellow brothers and sisters into the penal system.

Your bravery and dedication fills our hearts.  We pledge to raise awareness to your cause and do everything in our power to make sure your demands are met.

In solidarity,
Occupy Oakland

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