


On March 4 Matt Duran and Katherine "Kteeo" Olejnik were released from the Sea-Tac Federal Detention Center where they spent the last five months for refusing to testify before a Seattle grand jury investigating the anarchist movement. A third resister, Maddy Pfeiffer, remains in prison, but has been moved from solitary confinement to the general population.

After 15 Years in Solitary Confinement, Now Uruguay’s President

After Years in Solitary, an Austere Life as Uruguay’s President

Matilde Campodonico for The New York Times

José Mujica preparing a mate, the herbal drink offered in a hollowed calabash gourd, in his kitchen.


Wounded Knee
December 29, 1890

Miniconjou Chief Big Foot lies dead in the snow after the massacre.Miniconjou Chief Big Foot lies dead in the snow. He was among the first to die on December 29, 1890Scenes of Death

U.S. at U.N. prisoners’ rights meeting: Progress, but still wrong on solitary confinement


Part 1

Buenos Aires, Dec. 11, 2012 – I’m writing from Buenos Aires, where I’m representing the ACLU at the Inter-Governmental Expert Meeting (IGEM) on the U.N. Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners. Established in 1955, the SMRs are the leading international standards on protecting the human rights of prisoners. They’ve profoundly influenced the law in many countries and have been cited by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Steve Champion: 9 days into his death row hunger strike

Steve Champion: Nine days into his death row hunger strike, he’s lost 51 pounds

 From: SF Bay View, Oct 15th 2012

by Birgit Czerny

FBI Linked to Yet Another Domestic Terrorism Plot


FBI Linked to Yet Another Domestic Terrorism Plot

By The Staff at AFP


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