Movimiento Laicos para America Latina (MLAL)/Qalauma, El Alto, Bolivia hiring 2 positions

Movimiento Laicos para America Latina (MLAL) is an Italian NGO working worldwide to promote sustainable change. In Bolivia, it focuses on food security issues and human rights, including the development of Qalauma, a new centre for young offenders, which is based on the Brazilian restorative justice prison model APAC (Association for the Protection and Assistance to the Condemned). MLAL is responsible for the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the centre.

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positions available: Communication and Social Integration Specialist for Incarcerated Youth and Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Trainer for Incarcerated Youth.

Communication and Social Integration Specialist for Incarcerated Youth :

Your role will focus on awareness raising and building bridges between youth offenders and the outside community locally and internationally. Activities will include coordinating and contributing to public education work, building networks of support for youth offenders with church, sports, cultural, and other community groups, contributing to the training of judges and lawyers in rehabilitative justice; exchanging experiences with other youth justice initiatives internationally (including writing case studies and articles about Qalauma) and helping the youth offenders to find their voices.

Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Trainer for Incarcerated Youth:
Your role is in the area of vocational training and small business

development, working directly with young offenders, and supporting Qalauma's vocational training in carpentry, baking, agriculture, metalworking, and crafts. Activities will include designing and delivering training in business planning, bookkeeping, marketing and other small business skills; supporting the youth in developing ideas for new businesses and products; implementing a mentorship programme involving business leaders from outside the centre; negotiating production contracts with Bolivian and foreign companies to enable youth to use new skills whilst in prison; coordinating with other educators to design a labour insertion plan for when youth are released; and motivating, inspiring and building the self-confidence of the youth offenders.

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